Many people are being fooled by Scareware - fake web pages that state that your computer is infected with viruses and trojans. The bad guys are doing this to get your credit card numbers. Do not fall for the scam. If you get a message saying that your computer is infected, DO NOT CLICK ON ANYTHING ON THE SCREEN _ EVEN THE CLOSE BOXES, since they can be fake. Instead immediately restart your computer by using just the keyboard (not the cursor):
On a Windows XP, press the WINDOWS key (or CTRL-ESC together), then U then R.
On Windows Vista, Press the WINDOWS key (or CTRL-ESC together), then Right-arrow, Right-arrow again, Right-arrow again, then R.
On Windows 7, Press the WINDOWS key (or CTRL-ESC together), then Right-arrow, Right-arrow again, then R.
On a Mac, while holding both Command and Control keys, press and release the Eject key. (Yes, the malware is now on the Mac too)